Bitcoin History Goes Up for Auction

Bitcoin History Goes Up for Auction

Apr 11 Tech Standard

Remember the "Buy Bitcoin" sign that went viral in 2017? The one held up behind Janet Yellen during her Congressional testimony? That sign is now being auctioned! Christian Langalis, the man behind the meme, is parting ways with the piece of Bitcoin history.

The sign, a simple message scrawled on a yellow legal pad, will be listed on Scarce City, an online marketplace for unique collectibles. Proceeds from the auction will go towards funding Langalis' company, Tirrel Corp. This startup is building tools for Bitcoin's Lightning Network, aiming to make Bitcoin transactions faster and cheaper.

The auction kicks off on April 18th on Scarce City, with final bids being accepted in person on April 24th at PubKey, a New York City bar known for its Bitcoin theme. Langalis sees this as a way to celebrate with the Bitcoin community, a community he entered with a bang in 2017.


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