Celebrating International Music Day, Uniting Through Artistic Expressions

Celebrating International Music Day, Uniting Through Artistic Expressions


UNESCO created International Music Day in 1975 to honor the variety of musical expressions and the importance of music around the world. It is marked on October 1. It honors musicians and the diverse range of musical genres that people from all walks of life appreciate, bringing them together via a common admiration.


The goal of International Music Day, which was founded on October 1, 1975, is to bring people together via a variety of artistic mediums, especially music, which speaks to everyone and symbolizes equality. Celebrated on different dates around the world, it encourages respect for one another and advances UNESCO's goals of international goodwill and peace. Under the direction of Lord Yehudi Menuhin, it promotes experience sharing and backs the initiatives of the International Music Council and its affiliated groups. Every year, millions of people celebrate it across the globe.


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