"Rathnam" is a Tamil action movie from 2024 that stars Vishal and was directed by Hari. July 2023 saw the start of filming, which ended in late January 2024. Among other things, Peter Hein provided the action choreography and Devi Sri Prasad provided the music.
"Rathnam," Mallika is targeted by gangsters for unclear reasons, but a fiery young man from the Tamil Nadu-Andhra Pradesh border protects her.
1. Vishal as Rathnam
2. Priya Bhavani Shankar as Malliga
3. Samuthirakani as MLA Panneer Selvam
4. Ramachandra Raju
5. Gautham Vasudev Menon
6. Yogi Babu
7. Murali Sharma
8. Hareesh Peradi
9. Mohan Raman
10. Vijayakumar
11. Rajendran
12. Jayaprakash
13. Vettai MuthukumarTulasi
14. Livingston
15. Muthukaalai
16. Arvind Khathare
17. Meesai Rajendran
Vishal feature Factory stated in April 2023 that director Hari and company founder Vishal would be working on a project that would initially be named Vishal 34. This would be their third feature together, following Thaamirabharani (2007) and Poojai (2014). After talking with various actresses, Priya Bhavani Shankar was confirmed for the lead female part in mid-June. Early in July, Devi Sri Prasad was selected to write the film's soundtrack and background score.
On July 16, 2023, principal photography got underway in Chennai. Thoothukudi was the next location on the itinerary. In late August, Vishal disclosed the completion of the shooting schedule, which calls for production to end by January 23, 2024, after shooting in a number of places.
Starting on January 1, 2024, tracks from Devi Sri Prasad were released, showcasing his musical contributions.
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