Intel Wins Round in Huawei Chip Battle

Intel Wins Round in Huawei Chip Battle

Mar 12 Tech Standard

The US chip war with China just took an unexpected turn. Despite pressure from rival AMD and China hawks, Intel has managed to hold onto its license to sell chips to Huawei, the sanctioned Chinese telecom giant. This decision allows Intel to continue supplying processors for Huawei laptops, while AMD remains shut out.

The saga highlights the complexities of US tech policy towards China. Intel's continued access to Huawei raises questions about fairness and the effectiveness of restricting access to American technology. While the license is set to expire later this year, Intel's reprieve has allowed Huawei to maintain a foothold in the laptop market, at the expense of AMD.

This news comes amidst broader efforts by the US to reset relations with China. The shelving of plans to revoke Intel's license could be a sign of thawing tensions, despite ongoing concerns about Chinese tech ambitions. As the US navigates this delicate balance, the future of chip sales to Huawei remains uncertain.


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