Pavel Durov, the founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France on multiple charges including terrorism and child abuse content. The Franco-Russian billionaire was detained at Le Bourget airport near Paris and subsequently transferred to a Paris courthouse to face a possible indictment.
French authorities accuse Telegram of being used for illegal activities, including the sale of child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, and fraud. Telegram denies these allegations, claiming that it has taken steps to combat such content.
The arrest of Durov has sparked significant controversy and concern within the crypto community. Toncoin (TON), the cryptocurrency linked to Telegram, experienced a sharp decline in price following the news.
Durov's brother, Nikolai, is also facing arrest warrants in France due to Telegram's alleged lack of cooperation in a child sex abuse investigation. The arrest of Pavel Durov highlights the challenges faced by messaging platforms in moderating content and complying with legal requirements.
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