World Tsunami Awareness Day, A Call to Action for Preparedness and Safety

World Tsunami Awareness Day, A Call to Action for Preparedness and Safety


World Tsunami Awareness Day is an annual event held on 5 November, to raise awareness about the dangerous effects of tsunami and the importance of tsunami preparedness and early warning tsunamis. Tsunami are real threat to life and property .They are rare but can be deadly and early warning and preparedness can significantly reduce loss of life and property. It was first established in 2015 . This serves as a reminder that early warning and preparedness can make a significant difference in reducing. 
Read more: Description of World Tsunami Day


The importance of tsunami awareness lies in its potential to save lives and help people so that they can be prepared for any sudden incident. For example, knowing the warning signs and potential areas at risk , allows individuals and communities to take protective measures.


Tsunami leads to loss of life and mass injuries also many people's loses their family, its a very pathetic situation for everyone , for the one who read about it and for the one who is going through it. In addition to this other potential impacts include damage as well as destructions of homes and businesses , cultural resources, utilities, and critical infrastructure and facilities


Crafting cinematic stories through the lens of my phone, I am a blogger and content writer who expresses the essence of my blogs through words

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