The British dark comedic psychological drama-thriller miniseries "Baby Reindeer" Richard Gadd is the creator and star of it it is based on his autobiographical one-man performance. The show explores Gadd's actual story of being sexually raped and stalked in his 20s. On April 11, 2024, all seven of the series' episodes debuted simultaneously on Netflix.
Cast and characters
Richard Gadd as Donny Dunn, a fictionalized version of Gadd
Jessica Gunning as Martha Scott
Nava Mau as Teri, a therapist Donny meets on a trans dating site
Tom Goodman-Hill as Darrien O'Connor
Amanda Root as Elle, Donny's Mother
Mark Lewis Jones as Gerry, Donny's Father
Hugh Coles as Francis, Donny's friend from drama school
Danny Kirrane as Gino, Donny's Coworker
Michael Wildman as Greggsy, Donny's Coworker
Shalom Brune-Franklin as Keeley, Donny's Ex-Girlfriend
Nina Sosanya as Liz, Keeley's Mum and Donny's Landlady
Alexandria Riley as Detective Culver
Thomas Coombes as Officer Daniels
Tom Durant Pritchard as Jason, host of a comedy competition
Laura Smyth as Glenda, emcee at the comedy competition.
The series was first announced in December 2020. Clerkenwell Films was slated to produce, and Richard Gadd was slated to write and star. In August 2022, Weronika Tofilska was appointed as a new director. Josephine Bornebusch was named as an additional director in March 2023.
Together with the announcement of the project, Richard Gadd was cast. On August 26, 2022, Jessica Gunning joined the cast; on March 23, 2023, Nava Mau was cast.
Mid-August 2022 saw the start of filming in Edinburgh at the Grassmarket, as well as in London. By early March 2023, it was completed.
Based on the life of Richard Gadd, "Baby Reindeer" on Netflix tells a compelling story of assault and stalking. It has received great marks on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic from critics who appreciate its emotional depth and outstanding performances. Though there was some debate at first, its story is highly praised.
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