Flood is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to various geological processes. It is one of the most dangerous natural disaster that can cause serious damage. When there is excessive rainfall in river banks and coastal areas, there will be an increase in water level which leads to overflow of water into nearby dry land.
Read more: What is flood
1. Deforestation- Without realising the after effects of deforestation people still cut down the trees for their own or other purposes.
2. Excessive Rainfall- Rainfall is a primary cause of floods to occur. Wherever there will be the excessive rainfall in a region, it will lead to flooding.
3. Failure of Dam- Due to poor maintenance of a dam, or water being hold up for so long without draining of will lead to breakage of dam.
Read more: Causes of Flood
One can never prevent a natural calamity from happening all of a sudden. We can always stay on guard so that in time of need we can take some steps prior to avoid disasters.
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